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Gamifying the daily sales grind

A heavily gamified portal for Vivint that helps to drive sales; providing a fun, openly competitive virtual space for sales professionals, while providing managers with insight into their activities and progress.

Vivint League dashboard UX UI Design on a desktop computer
Gamification strategy

Key Design Decisions

The Portal employs game mechanics to an activity where they would normally not appear, making the daily grind of fielding sales calls more exciting and dynamic.


When designing the Vivint League Portal, we considered the gamification of work theory, primarily Yu-Kai Chou’s Octalysis.

An example of the Vivint mobile app in use
Vivint Game On logo
Vivint League persona

Target User

There was a danger in centering the competitive aspects of the Portal around the individual Sales Professional, who will always be independently motivated by their compensation. Thus, the Portal is designed to promote team competition for the collective improvement of all Sales Professionals.

Vivint League mood concepts

Look & Feel

Dark greys create the tone and feel of Vivint League, with vibrant colors bringing the gamification to life while complimenting the Vivint logo.


Vivint League embodies the friendly, competitive atmosphere we envisioned.

As Sales Pros push eachother to be better, management gains opportunities for coaching and mentorship, much like a club or team would operate. It’s a win-win.

Vivint League iconography and visual design style
Personal goals dashboard
Sales metrics insights

Personal Goals

Managers and ASMs will receive goals from the Goal Wizard for review, or they will manually create goals for the Sales Pros on their team the afternoon/night prior to issuance. By exceeding goals, Sales Pros will earn Experience Points.

Goal selector UI


Rewards are used to incentivize Sales Pros to perform. They can be earned by chance, or by winning a game. Rewards are only given when both the customer and Sales Professional ‘win’ (e.g. Sales Pro wins a ‘Most Sales’ game, but is only rewarded once the installs are actually completed).

Vivint Bucks (V$)

Sales Pros can earn V$ by passing quizzes associated to Training exercises, winning a competition (with V$ at stake), or ‘leveling up’ through the Experience Levels. V$ are also issued to SP’s on a quarterly basis at the ASM / Manager’s discretion. 


Assistant Sales Managers (ASMs) can earn V$ by meeting or exceeding team based goals.

Experience Points (XP)

Only Sales Pros can have Experience Levels. There are 10 Experience Levels. The amount of Experience Points required to reach the next Experience Level increases exponentially from one to the next.


Experience Points can only be earned by meeting or exceeding daily performance goals and they cannot be earned in any other aspect of the portal. Sales Pros will be rewarded with V$ each time they ‘Level Up’. As a Sales Pro progresses through the Experience Levels, it will become increasingly harder to ‘Level-Up’ (and thus earn the reward) as it will require them to consistently exceed their goals.


A Sales Pro’s Experience Level acts as a badge, or marker of performance. It provides Sales Pro’s with a glanceable indication of their peer’s abilities as a Vivint Inbound salesperson.

In-app reward currency
Experience badges
Rewards displayed in product header
Vivint League videos feature on a laptop


A Sales Pro/Team’s score varies based on their performance. Scores will fluctuate during the course of the game, as the metrics for scoring are averages and not cumulative, like Sales. 

Internal competitions - Poker
Internal competition - Mountan Climb
Internal competition - Salt Flat Racing
Internal competition - Firing Range
Vivint League mobile app user experience

Trophy Classes

Personal Best Banner in-app reward

Personal Best Banners

These banners will be updated each time a user logs their personal best performance for a particular performance metric. Personal Best Banners will be published to department members’ News and Events widget.

Personal Achievement Shield in-app reward

Personal Achievement Shield

These shields will be awarded each time a user achieves a predetermined accolade (e.g. 10 sales for the day, 75% conversion rate, etc.). These shields will not be published to members’ News and Events widget, but they will appear in the ‘owners’ messaging widget so they can be shared.

Top Performer Trophy in-app reward

Top Performer Trophies

These trophies will be awarded on a quarterly basis and will only transfer ‘owners’, if necessary, at the start of a quarter. The history of ‘ownership’ will be logged and can be viewed at anytime by a department member. Quarterly ‘ownership’ updates will be published to department members’ News and Events widget.

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